The Yellow Rose Florist, LLC

The Yellow Rose Florist, LLC
Shopping & Specialty Retail Florists
The Yellow Rose Florist,Llc in Olive Branch, Mississippi has been operating as a family owned florist in DeSoto County, Mississippi since 2007, however, we carry over 35 years of experience in floral design. We have an array of beautiful floral bouquets and a variety of Dish Gardens and plants to meet any budget. The Yellow Rose Florist,Llc in Olive Branch Mississippi also carries a large selection of beautiful fruit and gourmet gift baskets, silk floral arrangements, balloons, chocolates, and more. If you're not sure what kind of floral arrangement you're looking for . . . leave it up to our designers at The Yellow Rose Florist,Llc. Just tell us what the occasion is, what colors you would like, and we will create a masterpiece floral arrangement especially for you! We specialize also in custom Funeral Arrangements to celebrate the Gift of Life for a dear friend or loved one.We also specialize in Weddings an Special Events. Call The Yellow Rose Florist,LLC at 662-893-0088 to take care of all your floral needs. We offer a 100% guarantee on all our work. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order please do not hesitate to give us a call. We will do whatever we can to rectify the issue.
You may place your order online 24 hours a day or contact us at 662-893-0088 and we will be glad to assist you with your order